
Browse our webinars, whitepapers, guides and more


Corporate Performance Management – Serviceware Performance.

Dashboarding, reporting and analytics with Microsoft Power BI

Get to know how Microsoft Power BI fits into the analytics landscape and why it's worth adding Serviceware Performance AL.


Message for the C-Suite, Part 2: The Four Major Areas of Operability

The Four Major Areas of Operability

How could we improve the quality of our execution and provide our customers with an outstanding experience, whilst freeing up budget to…


Industry 5.0: why manufacturers need accurate cost data

Industry 5.0: why manufacturers need accurate cost data

Digital investments alone are not enough to meet the next normal’s needs. Thriving in the next normal will require strategic decision making…

Case Study

Hauptgebäude der BGV Badische Versicherungen

BGV Badische Versicherungen (BGV)

BGV provides its employees with access to the essential knowledge needed for promptly and effectively addressing all customer requests…

Case Study

Fertighaus Bau

DFH Case Study

DFH ensures smooth service processes via a Serviceware solution for Customer Service Management (CSM)


The impact of knowledge management and AI on digital customer service

The impact of knowledge management and AI on digital customer service

Learn how knowledge management paired with AI algorithms can boost modern customer service.


Use Messaging and a Multichannel Strategy to Become a Service Champion

Messaging is the next step in multichannel customer service

Explore the untapped potential that lies within modern messaging apps, offering exciting possibilities for customer service enhancement.


The difference between B2C and B2B customer service management

The difference between B2C and B2B customer service management

What approach should you take for B2B and/or B2C and what does it means for your customer service management?


How does the customer journey impact customer loyalty?

How does the customer journey impact customer loyalty?

Especially in the digital age – where everything is a service – it is important to know what to look out for, if you want the customer…


The End of Centralized IT?

The End of Centralized IT?

IT Leaders are under more intense pressure than ever before to perform and deliver for their businesses. Is a centralized or decentralized…


How Scenario Planning Can Revolutionize Your Budgeting

How Scenario Planning Can Revolutionize Your Budgeting

What costs would acquiring asset XYZ cause? What value could be created through that acquisition? How would reducing the budget spend on any…


The innovation tightrope – balancing cost-cutting with cloud investment

The innovation tightrope – balancing cost-cutting with cloud investment

How to gain gain a transparent view of costs versus business value generated. Is cloud the best solution or in-house legacy systems? 


Turn Enterprise IT Cost Reduction Into a Growth Strategy

Turn Enterprise IT Cost Reduction Into a Growth Strategy

What does optimal IT cost control look like? Find out what you can do to optimize your ITFM and  why gaining an overview over the…


3 Aspects of ITFM: IT Service Catalog, Automated TCO, and Consumption

Why you need an IT Service Catalog

It is essential to clearly define the role of IT in terms of easily understandable services. These services should be structured and…


The 4 Essential KPIs to Measure the Success of Your ITFM

The 4 Essential KPIs to Measure the Success of Your ITFM

We have identified four key metrics for ITFM solutions that can help CIOs and CFOs on they journey to more efficient IT financial…


4 Tips for Modern IT Budget Planning

4 Tips for Modern IT Budget Planning

These days, companies face unprecedented challenges when it comes to sustainable, future-proof IT budget planning. How do you get your IT…


Benchmarking is important. But how to do it right?

Benchmarking is important. But how to do it right?

When discussing strategic controlling and financial management – both inside and outside of IT – one of the terms that keeps coming up…


What are the 3 Dimensions of Forecasts?

What are the 3 Dimensions of Forecasts?

Find out how effective forecasting allows you to work with difficult situations by enabling budget adjustments, damage avoidance, and the…


Leverage cost–utility analysis for effective project scoring

Leverage cost–utility analysis for effective project scoring

Today, it is essential for business survival to minutely assess the chances for success for each and every project. This is where proper…

Fact Sheet

Prospekte mit 5 Tipps für It-Budget Optimierung

5 Tips for Optimizing Your IT Budget Planning

Sustainable, future-proof IT Financial Management. Find out how to efficiently optimize your IT budget!

White paper

Prospekt zum Thema IT Financial Management Software

Maximize your IT cost transparency with Serviceware Financial Management

Discover the advantages of using specialized ITFM software.

Case Study

Airport with parking airplaines.

Serviceware Processes at Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Serviceware Processes helps them to handle the necessary documentation processes efficiently.

White paper

Serviceware White Paper: 10 Steps to Successful IT Cost Management

10 Steps to successful IT Cost Management

Follow our guide to take your IT controlling to new heights. Learn how to optimize budgeting processes and save time and money in the short…

Case Study

uvex winter sport helmet in wind tunnel test.

UVEX - Efficiently steering value oriented growth

Customer benefits and competitiveness are at the forefront of the Fürth-based family company uvex, where they form the basis for value…

White paper

Meaningful Service Costing by Jo Hart

Moving the GBS debate from cost to value: Delivering meaningful service costing whilst navigating a pandemic is not easy. Read our free…

Case Study

Calculator and money on desk.

LBS West implemented a central service system with Serviceware

The LBS service team now processes queries from all users more efficiently than before, provides automatic feedback and has reliable asset…

Case Study

paflinger case study

PALFINGER reduces work time for IT cost settlement with Serviceware Financial

Palfinger now takes only 2 hours per month to do settlements, down from 1-2 days.