
Browse our webinars, whitepapers, guides and more


Does AI help or hinder IT Financial Management?

We discuss the three main use cases for AI in IT financial management.


Why ESG and IT Finance go hand in hand

Companies looking to boost their ESG credentials should harness the power of their IT Finance function.


Mastering ESG & CSRD Reporting: Key Strategies for Executives

Join us in this insightful webinar where we dive into the world of ESG and CSRD reporting and explore how you can optimize these processes.


Santa's Undiscovered Cost Mountain

Find out what Santa really spends on his global service - and how you can better control your own costs!


Can carbon accounting help save the world?

What is carbon accounting, why you need it in your business and how to do it right.


The smart way to select AI for your IT Finance

A handy guide on how AI can be applied effectively in TBM and IT Financial Management.

Analyst Report

VENDOR SELECTION MATRIX™ ITFM and Technology Business Management Solutions

RIA interviewed 700 IT Managers to find out which vendors achieved the best evaluation scores from buyers.


Webinar series: Ignite Success in ITFM: Turbocharge with the Digital Value Model

Learn how the Digital Value Model can help with planning and forecasting, billing, reporting, analysis, creating and calculating new…


How to turn IT finance insight into action for real business value

A handy guide for anyone who has access to all the right IT financial management data but is not taking full advantage of it. 


A CIO’s Guide To Reaching TBM Maturity

A handy guide for anyone looking to optimize their IT investments and achieve Technology Business Management (TBM) maturity.

Case Study

Complex IT controlling at KABEG

KABEG's goal was to implement a solution that could process large amounts of data and make the evaluation of budgets and processes as simple…

Fact Sheet

FinOps and Cloud Cost Management

Serviceware offers Cloud Cost Management that helps in getting a holistic view and transparency of cloud costs, and extends the traditional…

Analyst Report

The Total Economic Impact Of Serviceware Financial

The Forrester report on cost savings and business benefits enabled by Serviceware Financial.


IT Finances: Turn data insights into actionable strategies

Could good old-fashioned personal accountability be the key to executing better on data? Find out more.


Why cloud solutions are more sustainable choices for investment

Read more about how cloud or SaaS solutions are taking companies a big step forward in their digital transformation and the opportunities…


Serviceware Financial Laptop mit Programmen

Using Benchmarking to Drive Cost Optimization in ITFM

Systematic benchmarking shows you where your portfolio stands in direct comparison with your competitors. Watch the webinar.


Quick Rundown of Technology Business Management (TBM) Fundamentals

TBM is a methodology for businesses to manage their IT as if it were their own business, focusing on value delivered rather than solely…


9 Things to Look for in a Technology Business Management (TBM) Partner

To ensure your journey towards operational excellence is smooth, it's vital to carefully assess potential TBM partners based on some…


Effectively managing IT finances with proven practices

What do we need a cost model in IT Financial Management for? And, what happens along the IT value chain, when we use one? Fabian Mieloch and…


Corporate Performance Management – Serviceware Performance.

Project Performance Management at the Executive Level

Projects with low profitability or low impact on successful strategy implementation tie up resources that could be put to good use…


The Underestimated Cost Leverage: IT and Technology Projects

IT and technology projects compete with each other for money and human resources.


Digital Value Model

The Serviceware Digital Value Model (DVM) starts with the status quo of your company’s data and process realities, without presupposing the…

Fact Sheet

How a Holistic Approach in Greening IT can Support Your Business

Find out how to optimize your IT budget while focusing on Green IT and supporting your organization's sustainability efforts.


Serviceware Financial Laptop mit Programmen

Predictive Planning: Fine tune your planning and forecasting

Presentation of the Predictive Planning Manager from Serviceware Financial

Analyst Report

IT Financial Management Revisited

The research presented in this report, during which feedback was gathered from 50 CIOs in the UK, considers the current state of IT…


Is it greener on the other side?

Every industry, including IT, is under pressure to look for ways to reduce its carbon footprint. See what you can do to contribute.


Serviceware Financial Laptop mit Programmen

How TBM supports your IT Governance, IT Strategy and Decision-Making Process

IT financial management and TBM ensure that IT investments are aligned with business objectives and are effectively managed and controlled.


The CIO and CFO’s Drive to Unlock Business Value from Digital Investments

How CIOs and CFOs can optimise their investments in IT and deliver value back to their businesses.


Multidimensional databases: ROLAP, MOLAP and column-oriented databases

Read about the differences between these databases and find out which system is preferred.


Artificial Intelligence in Self-Service

How to take customer service to the next level with conversational AI.